
Review Refund Promotion

If you leave us an honest, written review (good or bad) we will refund 25% of your total purchase price! To claim your 25% refund, follow these simple steps:

1. Five days after your purchase, you will receive a request to leave a review via email.

2. Fill out the review portion of the email, including the number of stars, 'Review Title', and 'Review' section. In order to qualify for the refund, you must write at least one full sentence in the 'Review' section. Of course, you are more than welcome to write several sentences if you like. Don't forget to hit the 'Submit Verified Review' button when you are done.

3. Email info@lawsuitforms.org with the subject line 'REVIEW DISCOUNT'. You do not need to write anything in the body of the email, but you may do so if you wish.

4. Once we verify that your review was filed, we will issue you the 25% refund. You will receive a partial refund notice via a separate email and the funds will post to your account within 1-2 business days. 


Thank you for your purchase and thank you for your honest feedback!