
Illinois Lawsuit Forms - Represent Yourself


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Affording an attorney might not be possible for everyone.

But it should not stop you from representing yourself competently in court.  Our Illinois Lawsuit form packages contain easy to use forms and templates.  They show you how to navigate specific areas of the civil litigation system yourself without an attorney!

Illinois Lawsuit Forms

Lawsuitforms.org sells the following forms for use in civil lawsuits in Illinois Circuit Court.  These forms will show you how to file a lawsuit, how to formally answer a lawsuit filed against you, and help you request evidence from the opposing party in any civil case in Illinois.

If your forms are not formatted correctly, they may be rejected by the court clerk! Lawsuitforms.org is the only website that offers Illinois-specific form templates.  Most other websites sell overpriced, poor quality, generic forms that are NOT in compliance with state court rules. 

We offer a 100% money-back guarantee! If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, fill out our refund request form within 14 days and we will give you a full refund! Click here for details.

Note:  It is your responsibility to research the specific facts of your case!  Lawsuitforms.org offers form templates; we do not offer any legal advice and cannot advise you on how to prove your individual claims or defend against specific allegations. However, we do post articles related to self representation issues from time to  time.